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lundi, avril 2 2012

Le 2 et le 3 avril Vénus a rendez-vous avec les Pléiades

Si vous cherchez les Pléiades dans le ciel citadin, aidez-vous de Vénus qui passe devant le célèbre amas M45 les soirs du 2 et du 3 avril. Voici un cliché de ce 2 avril, cliquez pour l'agrandir.


Demain 3 avril Vénus sera un peu plus haut juste à gauche de l'amas.

Et pour les curieux, voici la même photo avec les noms. On distingue en haut à gauche les parents Atlas et Pléioné et à droite les 7 filles (à l'œil nu il est très difficile de distinguer Astérope, Célaéno et Pléioné mais même en ville vous pourrez voir au moins Alcyone, la plus brillantes des Pléiades).


jeudi, mars 29 2012

The triple Moon/Venus/Jupiter conjuction - The photos

As promised earlier, here are two photos of the triple Moon/Venus/Jupiter conduction.

On the 25th of March, the moon was on the right of Jupiter:

 On the 26th of March, the moon was below Venus:

vendredi, mars 16 2012

Don't miss the Jupiter-Venus conjunction. Moon is coming to join them.

OK, if you looked the evening sky those last days, you certainly saw the third and fourth brighter sky objects (after the Sun and the Moon of course). Look after the sunset to the west. The brightest of the two is Venus at a magnitude of -4. Although Jupiter is much larger, it is also further away so its magnitude will be at -2.

You can of course try to catch them on film, but using the technique of multiple exposures accumulation I detailed previously is not the best you can do. You will get something like this photo (Venus top right, Jupiter lower left):


You better try to find an interesting first plan and take a wider angle photo including earth surface and the two planets.

The closest of the conjunction was the 15th March, but the show isn't over. As the two planets move away of each other (Venus getting higher and Jupiter lower in the sky), Moon is approaching and between the 25th and the 26th of March will pass between the two planets.

So look at the evening sky next sunday and monday evenings and try to catch a nice photo of the crescent moon on the right of Jupiter on Sunday 25 and just below Venus on Monday 25.